Ideoita ja vinkkejä häihin

Täällä haluamme jakaa ideoita, vinkkejä, reseptejä ja kaikkea mikä kuuluu häiden suunnitteluun ja järjestämiseen 💖💍.

Mitä tulee huomioida häiden juhlatilan valinnassa? - Decora House

What should be taken into account when choosing a wedding venue?

What should be taken into account when choosing a wedding venue? The search for a party space is often guided by the feeling, "this space feels just right". Without discounting...
Häät - Decora House


Wedding A wedding is a special occasion where two people are united in marriage. Weddings are atmospheric and beautiful events with many traditions and customs. The word "wedding" comes from...
Pöytäkoristeet häihin: Kattauskokeiluja vol. 2

Table decorations for weddings: Table setting experiments vol. 2

I would imagine that I am not the only bride who has several different wedding themes in her mind and the difficulty of choosing is great. In the previous Talvimorsian...
Talvihäät tulossa: Hääkattauksen testailua juhlatilassa

A winter wedding is coming: Testing the wedding canopy in the party space

We have chosen the Haulitehta in Tampere as our wedding venue, which has been beautifully renovated with respect to the old and welcomes you with its atmosphere as soon as...